By Jeannine Kellogg
The Tukor's Journey
Siblings Mitch, Tony, and Jovi discover that mysterious creatures called Grezniks are close to achieving their mission: blowing up Earth and shattering Life to bits. Over the centuries, Grezniks have nearly succeeded many times. But each time, their efforts have been foiled by Tukors and their allies.
Now, Grezniks are closer than ever before, and no one knows if any Tukors are left in the world to stop them. Mitch, Tony, and Jovi are unexpectedly invited to help defeat the Grezniks, but will they have the courage to join the battle?

The Tukor’s Journey is an epic action adventure. Chock-full of the unexpected. Faraway lands. Volcanoes. Mountains. Tundra. Tropical forests. Raging rivers. Steamy geysers. Farms. Big cities. Tractors flying at the speed of sound. Blue stones that defy the laws of physics. A crooked Grandpa. A crazy old man. An ostentatious mom. A milquetoast dad. And lots of creatures. Real life creatures, but are they friend or foe?

And Grezniks. Vicious. Deadly. Unfathomable strength and speed. Seeping through the world unseen—slippery, crawly, swift. Determined to destroy Life itself. And they are closer than ever to succeeding. Soon they’ll be ready to blow up Earth into tiny pieces. And all of our little bits will fly away like milkweed seeds into the galaxy. But there are also three kids. Two brothers and a sister. And they have no idea that they’ll be called upon to save it all.

The characters in The Tukor’s Journey travel all over the world. To the tropical forests of Papua New Guinea, the volcanoes of Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula, the Caucasus Mountains of Georgia, the mountain ranges of Alaska, the tundra of Canada, the White-Water Terraces of China, the rivers of North Korea, the farms of southern Minnesota, and even Hollywood, California. Yet The Tukor’s Journey starts in Manhattan where three siblings live: Mitch and Tony, and Jovi.

About Jeannine Kellogg
Jeannine loves a grand adventure and a great story. She has traveled to fifteen countries and her adventures include hiking in New Zealand, sea-kayaking above the Arctic Circle, and wading through rice fields in Thailand. Yet she has grown certain that the great inspirations are found not in distant adventures, but in the often-overlooked details of everyday life.