On the Radio! School visits!

On the Radio! School visits!

The Tukor’s Journey was on the radio! Click here to listen to my radio interview on the Tom Sumner Program in Flint, Michigan.

My interview starts a little over 20 minutes into the segment. It was fun to showcase The Tukor’s Journey, and I’m grateful to Tom for the opportunity.

I’ve scheduled some school visits close by and also far away. Excited to share the Journey with kids! If you’re interested in a school visit, I would love to hear from you.

For teachers, The Tukor’s Journey classroom Discussion Guide is coming soon! I just learned yesterday that one of the first readers who loved The Tukor’s Journey is going to do his big book project on it. I love news like that! And one of the recent readers told his mom that he was worried about the character Kenny in The Tukor’s Journey, and wanted to “go inside the book and help him.” I’m not sure there’s any greater reward than hearing that a teenage boy wants to go inside the book to help a friend. So wonderful.

I woke up to snow today, but isn’t April Fool’s tomorrow? If you’re in warmer climes, say hello to the sun and ocean for me!