The Tukor’s Journey Royal Dragonfly Book Awards

The Tukor’s Journey Royal Dragonfly Book Awards

Great news! The Tukor’s Journey wins Honorable Mention in Story Monsters Ink Royal Dragonfly Book Awards! Such Exciting news!

It’s been so much to visit schools this past month. Elementary and middle school kids at Floodwood School followed by a full day in the 3rd – 6th grade classrooms at Keewatin Elementary. I absolutely love helping kids get excited about their own great action adventure – their own life! Today, I’m excited to share the news about the book award with the teachers and kids. If your child’s school would like a classroom visit, let me know. I would love to go. And I do enjoy traveling, so don’t worry if your location is far away. Let’s make it work!

Life is an action adventure. Full of ups and downs and twists and turns. There is no assurances. And battles will meet us along the way. Yet we can be full of love for the adventure of it, and for the hearts of others. It’s a great joy for me to share the themes of The Tukor’s Journey with kids.

If I hope for anything from this award, it’s that I can reach out to more kids to remind them that they each have powerful purpose in their life. Their path is wonderfully unique and impactful.

See you on the trail!


Kids learn about unusual birds, animals, and places from around the world as they read The Tukor’s Journey. For teachers who would like to incorporate The Tukor’s Journey into their classroom activities, a free downloadable Classroom Discussion Guide is available on my website here

The Tukor’s Journey is available for purchase at Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and the major wholesalers.